Can you supply us with everything that is required to house and keep my fish alive?

Yes, we have everything from fish tanks, fish, water conditioners and ornaments and plants for your tank.

What happens if we receive our fish and there is dead fish in the bag?

We will ask for some information and a photo of the dead fish, still in the bag. We will then go ahead and resolve the issue according to the refund policy.

How do I pick the right fish for my aquarium?

We are instore and available to help you choose the right fish to suit your aquarium. If you are buying online, we are more than happy to have a chat before you purchase and help with the process to make it a smooth transition for you & your new pet.

Do you have fish and accessories for every budget?

Yes, we have something for everyone!

Can you give me some information on the fish I am purchasing, before I purchase them?

Yes, we can help with some info on all of our fish and products.

Can you talk me through setting up my fish tank at home, so it is ready for fish?

Yes, we can help with everything from the initial set up to purchase of the right fish suited to you and your lifestyle/likes.

How many and what type of lights does an aquarium need?

This will depend on the tank and stand you have and which fish you choose for your set up. We recommend using LED aquarium lights for brightness and to bring out the ultimate colours in your fish.

What should I be feeding my fish?

Fish eat a varied diet depending on which fish family they come from. We can supply a variety of foods including frozen, freeze dried, dry foods and live foods (when available) for your fish so you can feed to their liking.

How often should I change my filter media?

Filter media like wool can be changed or rinsed as much as you like, although if you do not leave sufficient bacteria this can cause an issue for your tank.

If I need to return an item from my order, where do I start?

You can start by checking out our returns policy to make sure your item can be returned and then by contacting us to manage the return.

Do you offer a discount if I buy in bulk?

We do offer a slight discount if you are buying certain items in bulk, for example frozen food. Fish are not commonly discounted in bulk due to our already very competitive prices.